A 20-year-old man from Syria is found dead in Tabanovce

Last night at 18:00 SIA-Kumanovo received the report that a dead body was found near the dam in the village of Tabanoc.

The dead body of a 20-year-old man from Syria was found near the village of Tabanovce. The body has no signs of violence, according to the Sector for Internal Affairs in Kumanovo

Last night at 18:00 SIA-Kumanovo received the report that a dead body was found near the dam in the village of Tabanovce.

“After conducting the investigation, it was confirmed that it is about M.L. 20 years old from Syria. The ambulance doctor concluded death without signs of violence, while by order of the public prosecutor the body was sent to the Morgue. “The next steps will be fully decided”, it is said in the police announcement.

Unofficially the death body belongs to a Syrian refugee who was in transit with other group.

Another Syrian unacompanied minor has being left behind from the same group. He is situated at the refugee Transit center Tabanovce with all needed assistance of protection.

Source: pacensure.com 


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