In August the Border Violence Monitoring Network1

(BVMN) recorded 30 pushbacks,

impacting 324 people across migratory routes in the Balkans. This report brings together

these testimonies with field observations from across the region, highlighting the various

types of border violence…

In August the Border Violence Monitoring Network1

(BVMN) recorded 30 pushbacks,

impacting 324 people across migratory routes in the Balkans. This report brings together

these testimonies with field observations from across the region, highlighting the various

types of border violence being enacted by the EU and other states. The analysis presented

considers patterns in police violence during pushbacks, as well as the dire conditions in

camps and squated housing, aspects which make up some of the internal bordering

processes impacting people-on-the-move.

In particular focus is the experience of displaced Afghans transiting through Turkey, Greece

and the Balkans. The report provides statistical data on the experience of Afghan people-on-the-move since 2017, charting the longstanding patterns of border violence targeting them

among other groups. Alongside this, the publication looks at the situation for Afghans

arriving in Turkey, the challenges they face in accessing asylum and support, and the risks

faced in crossing into Eastern Turkey from Iran. Providing insight into EU responses to the

situation in Afghanistan, updates also come from the border of Turkey with Greece, where

further additions were made to the border wall which prevents people from accessing the


Aggressive pushback practices continued in the Evros area throughout August with more

groups left stranded on islands in the Evros/Meriç river, causing more avoidable deaths. This

sits alongside wider issues of concern that came to a head in August, including the dangerous

impacts of wild-fires across the country, the ending of UNHCR cash benefits to asylum

seekers and further criminalisation of sea rescue in the Aegean. Pushback violence is also

evidenced with testimony analysis from the Hungarian border, where the use of K9 units

mirrors police brutality endemic in the Croatian context. This report also provides further

evidence of sexual violence being carried out by Croatian officers during pushbacks to


?In litigation news, two key cases are analysed. First the chain-pushback of a Cameroonian

plaintiff denied asylum access in Slovenia, who?s ruling by the Supreme Court has been

flagrantly ignored by the offending Slovenian authorities – current holders of the Presidency

of the Council of the EU. Second, the case of a further chain-pushback documented by

Austria Pushback Alarmphone is highlighted, despite a landmark ruling in July from the

Regional Administrative Court of Styria. Also included is a follow up on the pattern of squat

dispersals from Northern Serbia to the border with North Macedonia, described in this

publication in relation to Belgrade.

The report also provides other updates, such as news on funding requirements imposed on

the Greek Coast Guard related to the implementation of independent border monitoring.

Meanwhile joint patrols on the Italian-Slovenian border persisted and news of increasing

illegal removals at the Polish-Belarus border marked further disturbing trends. Across the EU

external border, August was scored by persistent pushbacks and police brutality.



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