A dead man was found at “Bogorodica”

The suffering of migrants does not end, nor do the reports of the Ministry of Interior for incidents with illegal crossings, illegal transportation, prevented illegal transport of migrants through our country. The last case has a tragic end for a migrant who was found dead at the Bogorodica Border Crossing yesterday.


The police report states the following:


– “On 09.06.2022 (Thursday) at 01.45 it was reported that at the Bogorodica Border Crossing, in the interspace of the lane, a migrant person without signs of life was noticed. A doctor from the Emergency Medical Service ascertained death, and the scene was inspected by the Public Prosecutor and a team from the Gevgelija Police Station “- announced the Ministry of Interior.


The report does not state the cause of death of the migrant and how it occurred, whether due to health problems, exhaustion, or violence. The autopsy should answer all that.


Therefore, by order of the Public Prosecutor, the body of the deceased was handed over for autopsy.



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