A refugee from Syria lost her life

On July 1, 2022, near the village of Bogorodica, near the Macedonian-Greek border, the lifeless body of a refugee from Syria was found. According to her relatives, with whom she crossed the border, after some hours of walking and after entering our country, she fell ill and couldn’t continue moving, and when the Red Cross and emergency teams arrived, unfortunately she was already dead. By order of the public prosecutor of the primary public prosecutor’s office in Gevgelija, the body was handed over for an autopsy in Skopje, and after that, at the request of the family, an order was given for funeral in Macedonia.

After consultation with the public prosecutor, and with the help of the border police from T.C Vinojug and the Red Cross of the city of Skopje, on 03.07.2022 Legis organized the funeral of Thana Alsaleh in the Muslim cemetery in Shtip, with all religious rites provided by the human board of the mosque in Shtip, and in the presence of her relatives who are located in the temporary transit center for refugees Vinojug, in Gevgelija.

Only in the last month, several refugees from different countries lost their lives on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia, while several unfortunately remained unidentified. Irregular migration in itself is a risky phenomenon, because it represents the transit of individuals or groups across the borders and territories of countries unknown to them, hidden from the eyes of the public and from the security structures, so as such they are victims to all kinds of dangers: from smugglers, local criminals , criminals among their ranks, bad weather, personal health reasons, traffic accidents, etc.

The non-governmental organizations, together with the teams of the Red Cross and the border police, are dedicated and coordinated to find and rescue many refugees who are in various dangers due to irregular migration. Unfortunately, despite the daily successful rescues, unfortunate outcomes also occur due to delayed calls for help. And they happen because of the fear of being reported, taking into consideration what countries and what terrifying situations they come from.


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