Access to Health Rights of Refugees and Migrants in North Macedonia 2020-2021

Legis, as part of the regional project “COVID-19 Challenges within the Migrant and Refugee Response in the Western Balkans” supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy, held an event yesterday to present the results of the analysis of “Access to Health Rights of Refugees and Migrants in North Macedonia 2020-2021” and public Discussion on the same topic.

The analysis was prepared by the research team of Legis: Vesna Poposka, Mersiha Smailovic, Jasmina Golubovska, Sofija Zumrova.

The event was held in the hall – Millennium, Holiday Inn Hotel, Skopje, and the discussion was attended by representatives of: Government of RNM, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Crisis Management Center, the Ombudsman’s Office, as well as local and international organizations: International Organization for Migration, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, Red Cross and domestic migration experts.

A video of the whole discussion is available at the following link:

The discussion was objective and in the interest of improving access to health and other rights of refugees and migrants in the Republic of North Macedonia. The participants agreed on the systemic shortcomings, but also positive practices that need to be returned to function, which will ensure transparent work of institutions and cooperation within the NGO sector in the field of migration, asylum and temporary protection.

This event is the last in series of local events in the regional project led by Legis in cooperation with Asylum Protection Center (APC) from Serbia and International forum of solidarity-Emmaus” (IFS-EMMAUS) from Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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