Afghan boy died in Macedonia and buried after 208 days

 Afghan boy died in Macedonia and buried after 208 days


Qayum Nasiri from Afghanistan, born in 2003, died in Macedonia on 17 –of march 2020, after he was heavily wounded from an electric shock while trying to get on a freight train, on 14-of march.

Qayum was only 16 year old when he died. His only wish and right was humane treatment and freedom to move. But, since the year 2016, and the closing of the Balkan Route, refugees and migrants are denied from that right in Macedonia.

But his torment does not end here. Qayum's body was stacked in a legal maze for 208 days. His body was in the refrigerator until a family member came to identify him, and the Legis team finished the other legal procedure, and today on 08-of October he was finally buried in Macedonia soil.

Burial company has reduced the costs for the burial to 650 euro only, which were collected by the people in Macedonia for only one hour, since Legis published the appeal for donation.

We appeal to state institutions to not allow this kind of situation in the future. Qayum Nasiri was a boy, who had a dream for a better future, but, if we couldn’t help him to achieve his dream, we must show sympathy and human approach for these people in need in their last moments in our country. They are not only paperwork, they are human beings with dignity and rights.

Rest in peace dear Qayum, you will be in our prayers.


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