A suspected Kosovar smuggler of migrants was found to been infected with coronavirus at the insistence of a pre-trial judge from the Skopje 1 Basic Court, who asked health authorities to test him before bringing him from a police station in to the court

A suspected Kosovar smuggler of migrants was found to been infected with coronavirus at the insistence of a pre-trial judge from the Skopje 1 Basic Court, who asked health authorities to test him before bringing him from a police station in to the court.

At the explicit request of the on-duty judge Nenad Saveski, who suspected the health situation of the suspect because he was in contact with migrants from Bangladesh, India and Myanmar, the test was performed at the Institute of Public Health. The test was positive.

The suspect, a 30-year-old citizen of Kosovo (I.P.), was detained on Sunday after he was caught at the Miravci interchange, Gevgelija, transporting 113 migrants from the three countries. Police found the record number of migrants stranded in the refrigerator of a Scania truck with Skopje license plates, driven by the suspect, and found 113 migrants, 110 of whom were from Bangladesh, other on from India and Myanmar.

The positive suspect, at the request of the judge in the court, was brought in a spacesuit, used by the doctors of the infectious disease clinics. He was heard in the largest courtroom in the court, at a huge distance from the parties. He was remanded in custody for the crime he was found to be committing.

In the Skopje prison in Shutka, a detained coronavirus detainee was placed in solitary confinement. He had no symptoms or health problems, he slept in prison. But today he was taken to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, and the whole prison was disinfected.

But before this, the same judge Saveski had a request for detention this weekend for another smuggler of migrants, which caused a serious traffic accident in which a woman from Negotino was injured, because he was transporting migrants in the opposite direction of the highway.

It is not a practice to test suspects who are brought before judges with a request for detention. But, as in the first, this was done assuming that these are illegal migrants who are not under the control of any state. At the insistence of the same judge, he was also dressed and brought to the court in a spacesuit and tested. His test was negative.



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