Legis distributed grapes to 100 families

Within the project “Social, legal and humanitarian aid for local population” supported by the Government of Republic of North Macedonia, NGO Legis distributed 300kg grapes

Renovation of children playground

With donation of a company from Skopje, Legis started with renovation of the children playground in the Transit center “Vinojug” in Gevgelija. Almost every week

Legis distributed apples to 100 families

Within the project “Social, legal and humanitarian aid for the local population” supported by the Government of Republic of North Macedonia, NGO Legis distributed 380kg

Basic course for decorative manicure

The course ended with the results that the participant: – Conducts disinfection and sterilization of the working environment; – Prepares and identifies appropriate tools, accessories

Some Afghans leaved North Macedonia

The government announces that a group of 7 Afghan refugees who were staying in Northern Macedonia, left last night for Portugal, a place which will