Eliminating the violence against migrant and refugee women in Macedonia

November 25, is the International Day for Elimination of all forms of violence against women. This year marks the beginning of this year’s annual campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”, which will end on December 10, when Human Rights Day is celebrated.


November 25, is the International Day for Elimination of all forms of violence against women. This year marks the beginning of this year's annual campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”, which will end on December 10, when Human Rights Day is celebrated. Under the motto #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality “Stands?gainstRape,  the campaign will focus on the issue of rape as a specific form of crime that harms women and girls whenever the offense is committed in times of peace and war.

Noting with grave concern the widespread occurrence of sexual violence in violation of the fundamental right to personal security as recognized in international human rights and humanitarian law, which inflicts serious harm and injury to the victims, their families and communities, and which has been a cause of coerced displacement including refugee movements in some areas of the world.

Nothing  the concern about migrant movement in Macedonia, when the Ministry wrote in the latest report: “migrant women is raped in Macedonia”, by Macedonian citizen on 13 November 2019, and the perpetrators than, transfer her in Serbia, on irregular way. The only information we know until now, is: “investigation is in progress”.

Noting also distressing reports that refugees and asylum-seekers, including children, in many instances have been subjected to rape or other forms of sexual violence during their flight or following their arrival in countries where they sought asylum, including sexual extortion in connection with the granting of basic necessities, personal documentation or refugee status.

 #OrangetheWorld #Generationequality #StandsAgainstRape


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