Evacuated Afghans arrived in Skopje yesterday

?ccording to the Government announcements, they will be accommodated in hotels which are placed around the capital city of Skopje. In the first group, there was a pregnant woman and the ambulance was there so they took care of her.

Yesterday, the first group of evacuated refugees from Afghanistan arrived in the airport in Skopje. In the group of 149 people are included men, women and children. ?hey were transferred with a bus transport expect the kid and the pregnant woman who were taken care of by an ambulance.

In the airport they were welcomed by the minister of Foreign Affairs, mr. Bujar Osmani, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health, Red Cross and representatives from international organizations.

“All the preparations were done for today so these citizens are welcomed in the most dignified way. They will do all the needed health controls and they will be given adequate health care, to provide food and water for everyone and to accommodate them well. The organizations they have worked in Afghanistan are taking care of their logistics and they cover the costs of them. If necessary, our state will help around the logistics.“ – said the Minister of Foreign Affairs mr. Bujar Osmani in a statement to the media in the Airport at Skopje.

“It’s  about the citizens who were in risk from Taliban structures and we are helping them to save their life. These are citizens who have worked 20 years for democratic institutions, missions and international organizations in Afghanistan”, the government announced today.

As Osmani said, for now we have 750 people from Afghanistan which the Macedonian government offer to help them for about 90 days.

PCR test will be made to all the people who arrived. If there will be any positive covid result, to those it’s necessary 14 days quarantine. The next day, other health controls will be provided. If there are people who are not vaccinated anti covid, they can be vaccinated if they personally decide to do that, as the Ministry of Health announced.

Source: mk.voanews.com 


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