Last night the police of Republic of North Macedonia stopped “Citroen”, with Serbian plates

Last night the police of Republic of North Macedonia stopped “Citroen”, with Serbian plates, driven by 35 years old citizen of Vranje, Serbia. At this routine trafick control 12 Syrian refugees were found at the car, so the driver was arrested and the public prosecutor was informed for the case. This smugling case happened last night around 23:15 h on the regional road Davidovo – Gevgelija. Most of the refugees will be transfered to the refugee transit center Vinojug, Gevgelija, except a few that will be held as witnes in the case against the smugler. A day before, regional trafic police of Veles in routine control discovered truck full with 18 iregular migrants. The driver is from Skopje, and he was arrested at the same moment. The smugled migrants are from Bangladesh. Some of them will be also hold as witnes in the case against the smugler, and the others are transfered at Vinojug center.



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