Legis provided humanitarian and legal aid for refugees from Ukraine

With the support of Balkan Civil Society Development Network Skopje, (BCSDN Skopje), in the period of two months, September and October, Legis provided humanitarian and legal aid for refugees from Ukraine, residing in the country and, further assist in integration processes. Legis cooperated with local NGO Lesja Ukrainka to reach out to people in need.

Total of 40 food and 40 hygiene packages to 12 families and 2 individuals were distributed, or total of 68 individuals. Most of the families and individuals reside in Skopje, however we’ve reached families in other cities as well: Tetovo – 1, Berovo -1 and Valandovo 1. All packages were distributed directly to the recipient addresses by Legis team and transportation with attention to each individual and family need.
The families varied in number of individuals and age; a list of all recipients is enclosed within the financial report.



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