Renovation of children playground

With donation of a company from Skopje, Legis started with renovation of the children playground in the Transit center “Vinojug” in Gevgelija.
Almost every week there are different families with children, but also uncompanied children, that are accommodated at the transit center, Legis take…

With donation of a company from Skopje, Legis started with renovation of the children playground in the Transit center “Vinojug” in Gevgelija.
Almost every week there are different families with children, but also uncompanied children, that are accommodated at the transit center, Legis take care of theirs needs. Our stuff makes different activities, including workshops and games for the children, so they can feel more free, more welcomed and more comfortable during theirs stay in the center. So we saw as a big need to renovate the existing children playground that was devastated from the atmospheric influence and we contacted our generous donor to come, see and take measures for what can we replace or fix. They did it last week, and today the work has started.
We will be happy to show you more photos after the all work and painting will be done.


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